“BIR DUNYA” participated in the TGC2018
The company “BIR DUNYA” participated in the 9-th Turkmenistan International Gas Congres...
Established in 2009, “Bir Dunya” has quickly become a market leader within its industry, providing an unbeatable combination of efficiency and reliability to companies, who demand the best from their suppliers. Based on its own technical and technological capacities and managed by the state-of-the-art information technology, our company opens up possibilities for well-organized freight movement in the region and assumes overall responsibility for solutions of the most difficult logistic situations. At Bir Dunya Company each customer is our partner and friend. Our culture implies exceeding our customers’ expectations and offering opportunities for our employees to be promoted. Our offices are convenient, well organized and arranged in accordance with our quality standards. It is a simple philosophy that works – we will do all we can to protect our culture. We contribute to economic growth and prosperity of Turkmenistan and actively participate in social activities of our country.
Individual enterprise “Bir Dunya” was founded as family-owned business. Mainly the company was oriented to provide logistics services consumer products transportation in Central Asia. New branches of the company were opened in all major cities of Turkmenistan.
A legal form reformation from an Individual Enterprise to an Economy Society. Due to the volume of transportation increased, ES “Bir Dunya” bought first standard trucks and specialized technics, for all kind of goods transportation for various directions, became experienced in new type of activity- the transportation of oversized and heavy cargoes. The expansion of ES “Bir Dunya” own fleet led to obtaining all necessary licenses for transportation, in accordance with international rules. The new promising direction was started- handling of goods in the International seaport of Turkmenbashi, where “Bir Dunya” company takes a leading position in transportation for various directions.
ES “Bir Dunya” became a member of the International Federation of Freight Forwarders Associations (FIATA), the Union of Industrialists and Entrepreneurs of Turkmenistan (UIET). The fleet of own trucks and special equipment, as well as equipment for loading and unloading are expanded. A new direction was opened for the provision open storage areas for the storage of containers.
“Bir Dunya” opens a new division for providing airfreight service and brokerage services for project cargo.
ES “Bir Dunya” enters a new field of activity-transportation of dangerous goods, and occupies a leading place in sulfur transportation, both by road and rail. Additional offices were opened in Lebap region with a staff of qualified specialists. To strengthen the position, ES “Bir Dunya” starts a joint project and cooperates with the European Bank of Reconstruction and Development (EBRD) and takes an active part in professional development at the logistics sector.
ES “Bir Dunya” implements the Quality Standard ISO 9001: 2008 and obtained certificate for freight forwarding services, and becomes a certified company according to the international standards.
ES “Bir Dunya” develops new step and starts to provide new services for packaging and transportation of personal belongings. Also opened new opportunities for storage the goods in protected and equipped warehouse.
Our company is a member of the International Road Transport Union of Turkmenistan IRU and THADA. Re-branding: ES “Bir Dunya” logistics for peace
“Bir Dunya” opened one of the largest factories in Turkmenistan of producing large-sized polypropylene containers for transportation and storage of bulk goods (Big Bag FIBC). With opening of the plant the supply chain has expanded significantly, our experts have developed a scheme for “Door-to-Door” service.New opportunities open for additional services, such as customs brokerage services, verification and translation of documents of any complexity.
Today, “Bir Dunya” has all possibilities and energy to provide the full range of freight forwarding services.Choosing “Bir Dunya” company you will get: Operational Efficiency-our professional team is always ready to quickly respond to any unusual situations and solve them in the shortest possible time and provide competitive cost to the logistics services. Safety and Security – all vehicles are insured by CMR insurance and meet all up-to-date requirements. Upon your request we can provide additional insurance for Very expensive goods. It is important to know that in case of unforeseen situations during the way you can return your money. Punctuality and Responsibility – we put all our maximal efforts to ensure that every cargo reaches the destination in time, safely and without any problems. Special Attention – Your transportation is of utmost importance to us, as our main task is a long – term relationship and sincere cooperation with our customers. Flexibility- individual offer of the most effective logistics and financial solutions to each customer. Consultation-we always have time to assist and advise you regarding any issues in the field of logistics. Transportation of fully load as well as consolidated shipments – one of the economic way of transportation Your cargo. These shipments under special focus. We have a great experience in in such transportation: we collect, complete and deliver consolidated cargoes; we have warehouses for consolidation shipments in Germany and Turkey. We provide our customers with a full range of services for customs clearance of goods in Europe and the CIS
The company “BIR DUNYA” participated in the 9-th Turkmenistan International Gas Congres...
The national exhibition of Turkmenistan has opened in Tashkent on the occasion of President Gurbangu...
Transportation of oversized cargo for “Renaissance Heavy industries” LLC. “Bir Dunya” su...
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