“BIR DUNYA” participated in the TGC2018
The company “BIR DUNYA” participated in the 9-th Turkmenistan International Gas Congres...
Bir Dunya provides a full range of logistics and transport services supporting international cargo transportation by road. Cargo transportation by trucks remains very popular irrespective of market conditions. The high demand for truck transportation is caused by multiple factors. Trucks can make time-efficient deliveries 24 hours a day regardless of port, railway station, and airport operating schedules. Trucks can follow flexible transportation routes thanks to well-developed automobile road networks across all of Eurasia. Modern GPS navigation systems and GLONASS mounted on trucks assists with safety monitoring. In many cases, trucks are the most cost-effective form of transport. Bir Dunya organizes and provides intercity and international truck transport in such a way that clients can enjoy all its benefits. Our specialists analyze individual customer’s needs and cargo characteristics and develop optimal transportation routes in Europe, the CIS, the Baltics, the Balkans and Central Asia. Bir Dunya ensures the timely delivery of any goods regardless of distance. Due to productive cooperation with international transport companies we offer a flexible pricing policy and maintain a high level of service quality.
Bir Dunya organizes and performs road cargo transportation of any goods, including:
Transportation of certain categories of goods is performed with adherence to certain safety rules. Disregard of these rules can cause damage to transport vehicle, accompanying cargoes, threats life and health of other members of road traffic. In particular, special permit obtaining is required to perform transportation of hazardous goods by truck. Transportation by road of oversized goods is impossible without obtaining of special permit and preliminary route approval by authorized state bodies. Bir Dunya closely follows changes in internal Russian and international legal regulation of road cargo transportation. Due to this fact our specialists provide secure and timely delivery considering characteristics of each specific cargo.
Special trucks are used to transport cargo by road. Bir Dunya uses its own truck fleet and partners with transport companies. Cooperation with latter helps meet required delivery terms for any cargo type, ensure the safety of goods, and optimize costs. Vehicles include closed all-metal trucks, tented trucks, refrigerators, low-tonnage trucks, rolling stock, and semitrailers of various cubic capacity, among others. The wide capabilities of the truck fleet allows the carriage of goods of any volume, from one pallet to multi-tonnage batches. Bir Dunya specialists develop both monomodal and multimodal shipping arrangements using air, sea, rail and road transport.
The company “BIR DUNYA” participated in the 9-th Turkmenistan International Gas Congres...
The national exhibition of Turkmenistan has opened in Tashkent on the occasion of President Gurbangu...
Transportation of oversized cargo for “Renaissance Heavy industries” LLC. “Bir Dunya” su...
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